
Makansutra is founded by the affable K.F Seetoh, whose mission is to celebrate the best of Asian Food Culture and Lifestyle. Since its inception in 1997, Makansutra has never solicited advertisements nor meals in return for reviews. We pay for all our reviewed meals and never announce our visits . We welcome all views and constructive criticisms. ~Makansutra.com
Makansutra Guides
True to its ideal in celebrating the best of Asian food culture & lifestyle, one of Makansutra product is the Makansutra Guides; a compilation of good eats complete with its rating. At the moment Makansutra Guide covers many Asian countries, including Indonesia.However it's been a while since the last Makansutra Guides covers Indonesia; 9 years lapse and it was exclusive to Jakarta. This 2013 edition itself will bring a plethora of 500 eatery entries! 300 from Jakarta, 100 from Bandung, and 100 from Bali; all selected and assessed from the taste and tummy of seasoned Indonesian good food adventurers.
Thanks to Arie, Epicurina got the opportunity to participate in this exciting project, covering some of Bali's notable eateries; mostly street food, along with other Bali based culinary adventurer Debbie Leksono and Arie himself. At the moment it covers mostly Denpasar and its nearby districts including Ubud, Kuta, and Uluwatu.
Book Launching at World Street Food Festival 2013
The book itself is planned to be launched at the World Street Food Festival 2013 (
Last, here's the list of researchers for Makansutra Guides Indonesia 2013 covering three cities:
- Arie Parikesit (
@arieparikesit) - Editor & Project Leader
- Jeffry Sie (
@JeffrySie) - Bandung
- Budi Wahyu (
@buwah138) - Bandung
- *Marsella Purwanto (
@nonalapar) - Bandung
- Ronaldy Penol Anwari (
@Penol86) - Glodok & Mangga Besar, Jakarta
- Harry Nazarudin (
@itsharnaz) - Kelapa Gading, Jakarta
- Marchellinus Hanjaya (
@marchellinus) - Serpong & Tangerang
- Natalia (
@nataliathen) - Gunung sahari & Pangjay, Jakarta
- Jenz Kwok (
@jenzcorner) - Western Jakarta
- Febi Liana (
@febiliana) - Southern Jakarta
- Ruth Wijaya (
@ruthwijaya) - Southern Jakarta
- Debbzie Leksono (
@twitdebbzie) - Bali - general
- Bayu Amus (
@epicurina) - Bali - non pork
* updated
Hi Bay,
Nona Lapar is Marsella Purwanto, the owner of Ronde Gardujati Bandung
thanks :)
wish us luck ya, next week euyyy, laris laris laris (cetakan kedua hahaha)
Hah? Dah cetakan kedua lagi? :o Hebat euy.
Titip satu dong rie yang signed sama KF Seetoh, sama perbijinya berapa duit ntar?
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