Eye Glasses Service, Repair, and Replacement in Bali

Having your eye glasses broken on a vacation in Bali? Don't let your holiday interrupted! I discovered this place that can repair / service your eye glasses for a mere IDR 35K (around USD $3). The store name is Optik Ayu, it's located in a small store near Simpang Enam area, see map below.

For Google Maps location, click here: http://tinyurl.com/eyeglassrepairdenpasar

For a more serious damage, unrepairable damages, you might want to consider buying a new one. As replacement, or "acting" replacement until you managed to return to your home town and visit your favorite optician. In this case, you can visit Optik Global at Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 322, Denpasar, Bali, or call them via (0361) 483966. They can prepare your new glasses in just half a day, and they have a lot of nice looking and cheap frames to choose upon.

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Though not really related with good food / eating, I believe this information is essential for "four eyes" epicurean like your humble writer is. (bay)


Anonymous said...

Your sort is very useful for the readers. It is easy for us to check the location who repair and eye glass repair. Anyway, thank you for the information. Keep it up.

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