Indonesian 30 Culinary Icons decided!

Friday, 14th December 2012, Indonesia's Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy finally decided on 30 traditional cuisines that will represent Indonesia to the global culinary scene as culinary icons. Introduced formally by Indonesian Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Marie Elka Pangestu, the 30 traditional culinary icons aim is to support Indonesia's tourism attraction.

The 30 culinary icons are:
  1. Ayam Panggang Bumbu Rujak Yogyakarta, 
  2. Gado-gado Jakarta, 
  3. Nasi Goreng Kampung, 
  4. Serabi Bandung, 
  5. Sarikayo Minangkabau, 
  6. Es Dawet Ayu Banjarnegara, 
  7. Urap Sayuran Jogjakarta, 
  8. Sayur Nangka Kapau, 
  9. Lumpia Semarang, 
  10. Nagasari Jogjakarta, 
  11. Kue Lumpur Jakarta, 
  12. Soto Ayam Lamongan, 
  13. Rawon Surabaya, 
  14. Asinan Jakarta, 
  15. Sate Ayam Madura, 
  16. Sate Maranggi Purwakarta, 
  17. Klappertaart Manado, 
  18. Tahu Telur Surabaya, 
  19. Sate Lilit Bali, 
  20. Rendang Padang, 
  21. Orak-arik Buncis Solo, 
  22. Pindang Patin Palembang, 
  23. Asam Padeh Tongkol Padang, 
  24. Nasi Liwet Solo, 
  25. Es Bir Pletok Jakarta, 
  26. Kolak Pisang Ubi Bandung, 
  27. Ayam Goreng Lengkuas Bandung, 
  28. Laksa Bogor, 
  29. Kunyit Asam Solo, 
  30. and Nasi Tumpeng. 
Comments already arises on the internet about the team's final selections, and its considerably Java-focused cuisine origin. Many got surprised, some got disappointed by the lack of transparency in its process, and because they think it doesn't really represents the richness of Indonesian heritage; however many are optimistic, seeing it's a start toward the right direction.

Those who against, some argued that the term "icon" is a bit misleading, as there's nothing iconic about Orak-arik Buncis for example, and that Tengkleng is a much better representative of Solo. However as a shortlist of national dishes to be presented in formal occasions at the Presidential palace, or during banquets at Indonesian embassies all over the world, they find the selections understandable.

While comments on news articles sometimes runs wild and heavily opinionated, "Tweeps" (Tweeter users) got a better chance to have their questions answered, since they can reach both team leaders William Wongso and Bondan Winarno through their tweeter account there, or through participating in the posts with hashtag "#30IkonKulinerIndonesia". (byms)


