Indonesian Barista Competition 2011 - Bali Regional

To welcome the Indonesian Barista Competition 2011, there will be a contest held to determine 6 best Baristas that will represents Bali to Jakarta. Are you one of the best six?

The contest itself will be held at October 8-9 2010, at Komp. Pabrik Kopi Bali, Pedungan, Denpasar. For further information please call Kopi Bali House, Graha Niaga Sanur Arcade, Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai 405E Sanur. Tel. +62 361 270890, Fax. +62 361 270993

Register yourself in, and win a chance to represents Bali to the Indonesian Barista Competition 2011! (bay)


Massimo Il Ristorante

Cuisine: Italian
Location:Jl. Danau Tamblingan 206, Sanur, Bali
Akhir minggu kemarin akhirnya sempet juga mengunjungi salahsatu sasaran utama kuliner di daerah Sanur ini. Massimo Il Ristorante adalah sebuah restoran Italia yang konon menyajikan hidangan-hidangan otentik Italia, dengan harga yang juga terjangkau; dua kombinasi yang rasanya pas banget dengan selera saya. Jangan salah, restoran yang menawarkan hidangan otentik Italia di Bali cukup banyak, tapi rata-rata harganya juga otentik Italia dan kurang bersahabat dengan Rupiah.

Restoran ini dikomandani oleh Chef Massimo, yang setelah malang melintang di dunia kuliner selama belasan tahun, memilih untuk membuka gerainya sendiri di daerah Sanur ini. Dan ternyata sambutan pasar sangat responsif. Waktu malam kemarin kami ke sana, berbekal perkiraan bahwa high season turisme sudah berlalu kamipun melenggang santai saja ke lokasi, dan ternyata perkiraan kami rada meleset; Massimo penuh! Walhasil jadinya saya, isteri, dan si kecil harus menunggu sekitar 15 menitan untuk bisa mendapatkan meja kosong. Banyak pengantri sudah duluan menunggu di bar di bagian dalam restoran, sedangkan kami memilih untuk duduk di kursi kayu di sebelah area dining, sambil si kecil asik berjalan-jalan kesana kemari dan mengundang senyum beberapa turis manca negara yang sedang duduk di meja mereka. Rata-rata pengunjung malam itu memang turis bule; wisatawan mancanegara.

Setelah mendapatkan meja, kamipun lantas dengan antusias menelusuri pilihan hidangan yang tersedia, dalam suatu rangkaian menu yang menawarkan banyak sekali pilihan. Menu utama di tempat ini adalah pasta, mulai dari yang biasa semisal spaghetti dan fettuccine, hingga ke yang lebih eksotik semisal ravioli berisi bayam dan ricotta, atau tortelini berisi daging sapi.

Berhubung isteri agak kaget dengan banyaknya pilihan yang rata-rata terlihat asing, maka kamipun memutuskan untuk memulai dengan menu pizza saja, dan berdasarkan rekomendasi pramusaji malam itu kamipun mencoba pilihan "Quattro Stagioni" yang terdiri atas tomat, keju mozzarella, ¼ jamur, ¼ ham, ¼ artichokes and ¼ salami. Terkait diet kami, kami juga meminta untuk mengganti semua daging berbasis babi ke daging ayam atau sapi. Selain itu kami juga mencoba "Crema di Funghi" yang tak lain adalah sup jamur krim. Kenapa memilih menu yang simple? Biar isteri ikutan makan sekaligus mengetes performa makanan-makanan kelas standar di tempat ini; kalau rasanya enak, besar kemungkinan makanan lainnya yang lebih rumitpun akan enak. Maka dari itu pula, biasanya kalau saya tidak sempat mengetes menu secara ekstensif maka pilihan inilah yang saya tempuh. Untuk restoran Italian, ini berarti pemilihan makanan-makanan klasik dengan kombinasi dua-tiga bahan baku saja. Untuk restoran berbasis mie berarti Mie Ayam, sedangkan satu menu yang sangat sering saya pakai untuk sampling, karena ada di mana-mana, adalah Nasi Goreng. Yupp, Nasi Goreng, semua orang bisa bikin, dengan bahan apapun, nggak harus mewah atau mahal, tapi disinilah ketrampilan dan kreativitas seorang juru masak akan teruji. Sedangkan untuk pengetesan yang lebih mendasar lagi, cobalah menu-menu super sederhana semisal Nasi Uduk (Indonesian), atau Pizza Margherita (Italian) yang memuat hanya saus dasar pizza, serta keju.

Kembali ke Massimo, pilihan pizza kami tampil cukup menarik dengan topping yang juga cukup melimpah. Sesuai pakem Italian, maka pizza yang tersaji ini memiliki dasar dough yang tipis, serta taburan keju yang secukupnya saja; ringan, tapi juga cukup flavorful untuk bisa kita apresiasi kualitas bahan-bahan yang dipakai. Artichokenya terasa menarik, walaupun tidak terlalu unik juga sebenarnya, maklum baru pertama kali nemu sayuran yang satu ini. Tim dari Piccolino Pizza pernah merencanakan untuk mengadakan santap malam spesial kalau kebun Artichoke nya di Afrika sana panen, tapi berhubung Piccolino Jakarta keburu tutup maka rencana itupun bubar jalan. Sehubung yang dipakai adalah pickled artichoke, maka ketika disantap dengan percikan saus Tabasco, rasanya pun semakin nendang!

Adapun Crema di Funghi nya tampil seperti pure cair kehijauan dengan tekstur agak kasar, memiliki aroma earthy yang kuat, dan berpadu baik dengan kubus-kubus crumbly garlic croutons yang ditaburkan di atasnya. Yummy!

Sebagai penutup, kami kelewatan menu dessert yang ternyata ditempatkan terpisah dari menu utama, jadinya batal dari menjajal aneka Italian dessert di tempat ini, padahal kalau tau, minimal nyobain Crème Brulèe nya - menu dessert sederhana mirip sarikaya, yang juga bisa dijadikan tolok ukur ketinggian skill dari si chef. Tapi nggak sampe kecewa, karena kami sedari awal mendarat di tempat ini sudah keburu kepincut dengan aneka pilihan Gelato yang mereka pajang di display di bagian depan restoran. Sayapun memesan Gelato rasa strawberry dan Mojito; campuran antara lemon dan mint, dengan taburan potongan kulit lemon, mirip sokade. Nggak tau pake white rum atau nggak, soalnya nggak ada rasa-rasa alkohol disana, cuma kesegaran buah dengan rasa yang pekat; asem, seger, manis, ringan, penutup yang mantap untuk makan malam kami di hari itu.

Rata-rata hidangan utama berkisar antara 60K, sedangkan Steaks di kisaran 100K+, pilihan long drinks dan wine nya cukup banyak, rata-rata pengunjung tampil classy walaupun casual, family friendly setting, bagi pengunjung dengan anak batita bisa minta baby seat yang disediakan, area dining utamanya open air dengan penghawaan dibantu kipas, kalau nggak mau ngantri jangan lupa booking dulu via telepon ke +62-361-288942. Tapi kalau emang nggak keberatan menunggu, atau datangnya saat siang (ati2 panas), silakan go-show ke Jl. Danau Tamblingan No. 206, Sanur.

Metode pembayaran bisa pake Visa dan Mastercard, dan untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan mampir ke (bay)

Complete English version available here:


Massimo Il Ristorante - Restaurant review

Last weekend we had a chance to visit this eateries which I've been planning to visit for a while; Massimo Bali. Located at the Jl. Tamblingan of Sanur area, Bali, Massimo Il Ristorante is famous for providing authentic Italian dishes, and at affordable price. Aimed with my ever strong food curiosity and my wife's new fascination over Pizza with the hot Jalapeno, we went there over dinner along with our little kid.

When we get there, Massimo is crowded and we have to wait for about 15 minutes before a table is available. The restaurant is divided into several zones; the marvelous looking Gelato bar up front (two scopes for 20K), the wood fired oven Pizza kitchen on the other side, and the entrance in between. Entering the premise, just beside the open space to the left there's a bar, and to the right there are outdoor seatings so dark you have to use a flash light to read the menu. Then there's the main dining room; it's open aired with lots of ceiling fan blowing, it's rather cool at night but I'm wondering how hot is there during the day, especially with the merciless sun of Bali.

Seating can be arranged to accommodate large group of people, and there are also some four seater's available at the side. At the center of Massimo's dining room, there's this large long table which the servers uses as their base station for menus, condiments, very tall pepper grinder, etc. There's also a small air-coned room with several seatings available near the back of the building.

The interior of Massimo is warm and natural, with lots of wooden decoration here and there. Most of the visitors here are foreigners, mature, and come either as a couple, big crowd of friends, or family with children. This is perhaps related mostly due to the fact that Sanur area attracts more the type of family tourists seeking serenity holiday, as opposed to the crowd seekers, and party goers tourists of the Kuta area. Most of them are dressed in casual and fancy outfits, which helps elevate the relaxed but classy atmosphere of Massimo.

The menu at Massimo are consisted mostly of pasta, in where you can pick from the usual spaghetti and fettuccine choices, or you can also pick the more exotic pasta such as spinach and ricotta filled ravioli, or beef filled tortellini. There are also wide choices of proteins available; chicken, beef, mussels, shrimp, ham, bacon, tuna, and baby octopus, just to name a few.

As the wife is feeling a bit defenseless against all the new choices, we choose to start with the recommended "Quattro Stagioni" pizza which consisted of tomato, mozzarella, ¼ mushrooms, ¼ ham, ¼ artichokes and ¼ salami. We also asked the waiter to substitute all pork meats with either beef or chicken due to our diet. Beside of the pizza, we also ordered the "Crema di Funghi" which basically is a mushroom and cream soup with garlic croutons.

Well the pizza was good, wife like it which meant it will satisfy most of the picky eaters around the world. I myself think Italian thin dough and sparse mozzarella spread is nice and light while also fulfilling, and I'm also excited to encounter the rare artichokes, a highly uncommon vegetable here in Indonesia. But while the sour artichoke tasted great with tabasco sprikled, and the other parts of the pizza with different ingredients was fine, however I have to admit that my tongue was more excited upon encountering the Australian style pizza of Encore, at Carrefour Sunset Rd., or the "All go" big pizza at Cafe Bonsai, still in the Sanur area.

Perhaps with the substitution in place then this Quattro Stagioni has loses its true potential? If it is so, I was hoping that the waiter should have recommended other variant which is pork-free, or still tasted better without pork meats, considering that my wife is clearly wearing a head scarf. A good example we had in this case was during ordering at the PepeNero stall at Carrefour Sunset Rd.; perhaps sensing something different, the waiter warned my wife (not wearing head scarf back then) that the one she had chosen uses pork meats, and recommend other choices. The menu at Massimo itself on the other hand, has been proactively facilitating our concern very well; it gives marks to menus that originally created with pork meats, and suggests the visitors to inform their waiters if we have a certain kind of diet. Clever.

But despite what we deemed as proper level of attentiveness from the waiter, especially here in Indonesia, quality wise the pizza was good.

The Crema di Funghi was served in two bowls; each consisting of this green mush of creamy and earthy mushroom flavoured soup, topped with small cubes of excellently crumbly croûtons; wonderful. Though the arrival is a bit late, during us finishing the last two pieces of the pizza.

After a quick scan, we noticed that the wine and long drink choices are quite extensive, as well as the regular and soft drinks; they don't have Coca Cola Zero yet though, only Diet Coke. Beside of the main dishes, you can also choose from the different kind of antipasto, and adds the finishing touch of the nice desserts to your dinner. By the way, menus are divided into drinks, main, desserts, at least, so if you feel like you don't see any Crème Brulèe, Cassata, or Tartufo on the menu, just ask the nice waiters for the right piece of sheet.

Or if you're longing for something fresh and light after all those creamy and savory dinner, heads down to the front side and choose from the delicious looking extensive choice of home made Gelatos! At its smaller size, you get two scopes for 20K in either wafer cone or plastic cup. I chooses the strawberry flavored and the Mojito. Usually a cocktail, Mojito here is a lemon with mint flavored gelato, which also has the chopped preserved lemon skin on top. I didn't sense any rum in the mixture though; so I guess it's child-safe. Nonetheless they were strong, fruity, gelatinous, soft, and fresh, it's a delicious ending to our quite simple dinner that night.

Meals are around 60K, 100K+ for steaks, considerable portion, nice atmosphere with nice people, good food, attentive service, family friendly, just don't forget to book in advance should you plan to visit Masimo for dinner. They could be reached at +62-361-288942, or if you're feeling lucky, drive straight to Jl. Danau Tamblingan 206 in Sanur area. If you're coming from the By Pass Ngurah Rai from the south and enters Jl. Danau Poso, Massimo is right around the intersection of Jl. Danau Poso and Jl. Danau Tamblingan. For detailed reference please view the map below.

Visa and Master cards accepted, baby seats available. You might also visit their website at (bay)

View Indonesia Eating Places in a larger map


2010 Ubud Writer Festival

Just to let you know that there will be a wonderful festival held in Ubud, Bali from October 6th to 10th. No it's not a food festival but it's as important for food bloggers; a writer festival.

This event will be attended by famous writers from Indonesia, Australia, and all over the world, which will gives the visitors insights on how to write better. Topics engaged are various, from fiction writing to non-fiction writing and the ever popular travel writing, which will also be available as a workshop.

Tickets are available in daily passes, while workshops requires separate admission. For Indonesian and KITAS holders there are also special discount rate applied.

This event is organized by Yayasan Mudra Swari Saraswati Foundation, and sponsored by Citibank. Founded in 2004, the Foundation is an independent, non-profit, non-government organization. The members of the Foundation are committed to enriching the lives and livelihoods of Indonesians through the development of a range of community-building arts and cultural programs.

For further information please follow this link:


How to add custom external link to your Blogspot blog's menu

This is something beyond content and photo creation for your food blog, but it's necessary for you blog owners to further customize your blog, especially if you want to put a link back to your main/other website from your blog at blogspot/ The good example would be this very blog, which I have moved from its previous location at blogspot (, into becoming a sub-domain of my own domain (

Since this is a hard-coded HTML, expect the changes to be lost when you change the template of your blog; but don't worry because this is what this page is all for: to remind you and myself on how to add the custom link into the Blogspot blog's menu.

Adding custom external link to you Blogspot blog's menu

This is a code edit to add custom (and permanent) link to your menu bar, which acts as a link to a specific web page (i.e. external link to your other website), instead of opening a blogspot made page.
  1. Create "Pages" widget in "Design" - "Page Elements", to create a menu bar, as a base for your custom link editing
  2. Open "Design" - "Edit HTML" - Click on the "Expand Widget Templates"
  3. Search for "Pagelist[x]" - where "x" is a number (1,2,3,etc.), and remove the brackets
  4. Add following line between the end of the loop (</b:loop>), and closing of the list (</ul>)

    1. </b:loop>
    2. <li><a href='[website URL]' title='[text appear on mouse over the link]'>[Link Title]</a></li>
    3. </ul>
  5. Save, and your blogspot blog now should have its custom link on the menu bar
  6. Finished!
p.s.: for better location of the code location and live example, please refer to the screenshot below:

Good luck! (bay)

